The DSN-UK stands in solidarity, support and deep appreciation with Warinder Singh Juss, MP of Wolverhampton West for highlighting the importance of liberation from Caste discrimination. As we share this BBC news below, we would like to highlight the fact that this issue has been spoken of as important and laws passed to abolish caste discrimination more than a decade ago, tells us three things:
That the issue was considered urgent enough to introduce a law
That caste discrimination persists in insidious ways, and it requires more than a law to abolish caste
How many generations have to change before change is effected in society to dream of a caste free society? Caste discrimination is a human right violation. Human Dignity is affirmed as an unconditional universal human right – for all, regardless. Until everyone is liberated, no one is liberated.
The DSN-UK is happy and proud to join with the MP to amplify the call for justice
DSN UK is proud to present the following Book with 368 pages published on 2nd April 2024. Join us in our vision to create a world without Caste Discrimination
About the Book
For too long Nepal’s Dalits have been marginalized, not just socially, economically, and politically, but from academic accounts of Nepalese society as well. This volume forms part of a welcome new trend, the emergence of Dalit Studies in Nepal, led by a new generation of Dalit scholars. It covers a wide range of issues concerning Nepal’s Dalits and offers a snapshot of the advances that they have made—in education, in politics, in the bureaucracy, economically, and in everyday relations. At the same time the book documents the continuing material disadvantage, inequality, discrimination, both direct and indirect, and consequent mental suffering that Dalits have to face. It also touches on the struggles, hopes, and dilemmas of Dalit activists as they seek to bring about a new social order and a relatively more egalitarian society. Nepal’s Dalits in Transition will be essential reading for anyone interested in the past, present, or future of social change in Nepal.
Editors: David N. Gellner is Professor of Social Anthropology and a Fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford; Krishna P. Adhikari PhD (University of Reading) is an expert on social change and development in Nepal and elsewhere, and a Research Affiliate of the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford.
Contributors: Krishna P. Adhikari * Tilak Biswakarma * Arjun Bahadur BK * Steve Folmar * David N. Gellner * Raksha Ram Harijan * Sambriddhi Kharel * Ram Prasad Mainali * Purna Nepali * Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka * Krishna Shrestha * Manoj Suji * Ramesh Sunam.
I am very pleased to join Dalit Solidarity UK as its Director to continue to pursue my drean and vision of a world without caste discrimination.
Today, 10th October is celebrated as the World Mental Health Day since 1992. This year’s theme is ‘Mental Health at Workplace’ which becomes very relevant for Dalits who face brutal discrimination in their workplaces especially in South Asian Countries where it is practiced, and Migration of the dominant population to other parts of world where they generally continue to observe caste discrimination in discrete ways. We especially remember those who still work as manual scavengers, farmers who face the brunt of being humiliated, and exploited.
Last year’s theme too, ‘End the stigma and discrimination’ was very apt to describe the identity of Dalits who face these realities every day in their lives. Mental health issues are faced generation after generation and can be traced back to more than 2000 years in human history. This calls us to act in solidarity with Dalits who bear the brunt of discrimination and stigma, losing their mental health at workplaces. At this point we also remember all those who are unemployed and face mental health issues. We once again pledge our solidarity as DSN UK, to work for a world without caste discrimination here in UK, South Asian countries and other parts of the world.
Dr Elizabeth Joy
Director – DSN UK
10th Dec 2024
Training Session on Caste-Based Discrimination in UK Business and Global Supply Chains
23rd August 2023
In July, Dalit Solidarity Network UK hosted two events on caste-based discrimination in UK business and global supply chains, in collaboration with Ethical Trading Initiative, School of Advanced Study at the University of London, International Dalit Solidarity Network, and National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights.
A training session on caste-based discrimination in business and supply chains was held on July 13th. We were joined by representatives from 9 different UK based businesses with supply chain links in caste affected areas. The training was targeted at enhancing the company’s ability to detect caste-based discrimination in these work place settings both in-house and within the supply chain. As well as exploring potential strategies for addressing them going forward in their work. Those in attendance heard from DSN UK Director Gazala Shaikh, and Chair Corinne Lennox, alongside ETI’s Hannah Bruce and Beena Pallical of the Asia Dalit Rights Forum.
This was followed by a dissemination meeting on July 18th, where we were able to share experiences and discuss future strategies. Here we were also joined by Manjula Pradeep and Peter McAllister. Manjula is a leading human rights activist in the area of Dalit rights, with a special focus on Dalit women. Those in attendance had the privilege of hearing a very inspiring talk from Manjula about her work surrounding Dalit rights in India and view her film Dalit Defenders: United in the struggle for dignity and justice. Peter is the Executive Director at Ethical Trading Initiative, with over 20 years of experience in international development and rights-based initiatives around the world. He shared with us his knowledge and strategies for recognising and addressing discriminatory practices in business and supply chains.
Both events were made possible through the grant support of Knowledge Exchange Fund of the University of London.
To watch the discussion session from July 18th follow the link below:
Amnesty India, Oxfam India, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative and even Mother Theresa’s established charity all suffer from withdrawal of foreign funds
18th January 2022
On Thursday 6 January, Lord Harries of Pentregarth, Co-Chair of the APPG for Dalits, tabled a Parliamentary Question ‘To ask Her Majesty’s Government about what representations they have made to the government of India about the blocking of overseas funds for the Missionaries of Charity and other non-governmental organisations’.
India’s Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) appears to have been used to hinder many NGOs from operating within the country. This Act in effect requires that any NGO that receives income from abroad is registered with the government with a registered bank account in Delhi – wherever they maybe be located. However, accusations have been made that it is being used to silence a number of civil society voices that have criticised the current government. Many have heard about the problems that Oxfam India and Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity have had, but there are 179 NGOs whose licence renewal has been denied, not to mention those that have apparently not been renewed due to going past their expiry date, and some organisation’s bank accounts have been frozen. Support from abroad for minorities, who may receive limited funding within India, is absolutely essential.
It is heartening, therefore, to see Lord Harries table this parliamentary question and raise the issue of certain minorities being targeted under the legislation. Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon stated that he was well aware of the difficulties, and that officials have discussed both with the British High Commission in Delhi and the Indian Government itself, and that they will ‘continue to monitor developments in this respect’. He added that Christian, Muslim and Hindu organisations were also on the list, and that he was seeking more information.
The subject of caste discrimination was also raised by Lord Collins of Highbury and Lord Hamilton of Epsom, who asked how caste discrimination was compatible with human rights. Lord Ahmad himself brought up the Dalit community, and it was positive to see that this marginalised group is being considered in discussions.
To see a full transcript of the debate, you can find it here.
Several days later, Catherine West (shadow minister Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs) asked in the House of Commons what discussions had been had with the government of India on their refusal to renew Oxfam India’s licence. The response from Amanda Milling was somewhat disappointing, merely stating that she was aware of the difficulties, and that where there are concerns, they are raised directly with the Indian government, adding that the British High Commission in New Delhi ‘will continue to monitor developments, and engage with religious representatives and run projects supporting minority rights’.
It is essential that the British government receive assurances that there is no political motive behind the refusal of licences under the FCRA. Those who are suffering most through India’s decisions are Indians themselves, particularly those who have little access to support and justice.
The House of Lords addresses key issues for Dalits and Tribals in Nepal
17th December 2021
Representatives of the APPG for Dalits have been hard at work again, this time on the position of Nepal. Lord Harries of Pentregarth asked ‘what progress [the UK government] have made towards their commitments to providing (1) health services, (2) water and sanitation, and (3) access to justice, for marginalised communities in Nepal, including Dalits and Adivasis’.
Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon answered on behalf of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), stating that the UK targets development support at the most marginalised communities, and provides support to the Ministry of Health to ensure the most vulnerable are covered. He added that in 2021 they changed their support structure so that 400,000 of those most at risk were provided with water, sanitation and health facilities.
Lord Harries then asked the Minister as to why no Dalits had been appointed to the National Dalit Commission or the new National Human Rights Commission. The response was that there were encouraging signs of progress, as in 2017 roughly 22% of locally elected government positions were held by Dalit communities. However, Lord Ahmad agreed that the government will continue to lobby on strengthening human rights.
Lord Alton of Liverpool pressed again on the lack of representation of Dalits themselves on the National Human Rights Commission and the National Dalit Commission, and asked whether this would be specifically raised with the Nepalese government. He also asked whether there were any figures on the percentage of Dalits and Adivasis who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, and indeed the death rates compared to the rest of the population. It was confirmed that 24% of HMG’s support targeted vulnerable groups, including Dalits, but no further figures were forthcoming.
Lord Collins of Highbury asked whether, during the Prime Minister’s special envoy’s visit to Nepal to discuss girls’ education, representatives of the Dalit community attended. The response was that all communities were involved. Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top also asked about the UK aid programme now that cuts have been made to funding, stressing that the Strengthening Access to Holistic Gender Responsive and Accountable Justice (SAHAJ) programme had been very successful, particularly with women and girls from the Dalit community, but that their future was now in financial jeopardy. Baroness Armstrong added that the VSO (who run the SAHAJ programme) need to know whether finances will be provided, in order to effectively work with its partners in Nepal. Lord Ahmad replied that he was in direct contact with VSO, appreciated their valuable work, and would look into it very closely.
Our thanks go out to the APPG for Dalits for continuing to keep caste-based discrimination on the agenda and ensuring that the government is held accountable for bringing up difficult subjects with their counterparts overseas.
DSN-UK’s Annual General Meeting 2021
19th November 2021
This year’s AGM was a relatively quiet affair, though that’s not to say that there wasn’t plenty to be dealt with. Apart from the usual matters of adopting the proposed Annual Report and Accounts for 2020/21, we were delighted to welcome Dr Prerna Tambay to our Board of Trustees. Prerna is an active leader in the Dalit movement, and already a long-standing member of DSN-UK, having contributed to past AGMs. Her specialisation is digitalisation and mobilisation, and she has a particular interest in women’s issues. We were also pleased that Corinne Lennox (Chair), Kate Solomeyina (Treasurer) and Ramani Leatherd were re-elected to the Board, so that the transition period between Directors can continue smoothly.
Our membership numbers have continued to increase, although raising awareness of all aspects of caste discrimination is an ongoing issue, and we are often preaching to the converted. However, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Dalits has been working hard to keep caste on the agenda. Members have tabled parliamentary questions and debates, including one on Human Rights in India, following the new bilateral trade agreement.
Unfortunately, our Everyday Casteism project hasn’t been as successful as we would have liked, so DSN-UK is currently working on direct outreach to Higher Education Institutions. Meanwhile, our work on Human Rights and Business remains as important as ever, and through IDSN we have a great relationship with a lot of the UN Rapporteurs, ensuring that casteism is considered in global supply chains.
The AGM had the pleasure of listening to M. Savio Lourdu from India discussing a litigation case that he is working on, which highlighted the problems of reservation in local elections, and how power is still being abused by the ‘dominant’ castes in communities. Furthermore, he asked the network to ensure that in any discussions between India and the UK, we make sure that our voices are heard over ongoing human rights abuses.
While the pandemic has affected funding for many charities, it is important to remember that at the grassroots level, Dalits have suffered disproportionately. DSN-UK is proud of our achievements over the last year, and the support of our trustees, patrons, funders and members has been invaluable.
If there is one thing you can do to help the movement, please remember to use the term ‘safe distancing’ rather than ‘social distancing’. Dalits have experienced several thousand years of ‘social distancing’ already!
A virtual screening of ‘I Am Belmaya’ with a unique Q and A session
12th October 2021
On Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th International Dalit Solidarity Network, along with Tideturner Films, organised a virtual viewing of ‘I Am Belmaya’: a documentary made by Sue Carpenter and Belmaya Nepali about Belmaya’s journey to become a film-maker, centred mainly in Nepal.
Belmaya is both female and Dalit, and the intersectionality of these two aspects have held back her progress in life. Her father died of cancer when she was young, her mother of suicide sometime later, and she ended up in a children’s home. Her education was cut short by the lack of empathy towards her, with the teacher accusing her of having a head full of cow dung. Consequently, she married early and soon had a daughter to raise. Doing back breaking work in construction, unhappy in her marriage and desperate to ensure that her daughter had a good education, Belmaya took the opportunity to learn how to make films after experiencing the joys of photography whilst in the children’s home.
The story of how she became the role-model she wanted to be for her child, and her newfound ability to tell the stories of those who are most marginalised in Nepalese society, make for a wonderful and incredibly moving film. Mentored by Sue Carpenter, the film’s co-director, and other teachers later in life, it is clear that Belmaya has been given an opportunity that few in her position are offered.
The audience were treated to a unique Q and A session with Sue and Belmaya, assisted by translator, Bishu. The range of questions were wide – covering what she still has to learn as a film-maker, the difficulties over her poor education, Nepalese society’s view of women and her hopes for the future. Perhaps most heartening was the potential offer of work from those participating in the Q and A, giving Belmaya the chance to increase both her skills and her earnings. Sue has obviously been an incredible source of strength during this time, working hard to make sure that Belmaya and the film get the recognition that they deserve.
It was a genuine pleasure to see ‘I Am Belmaya’, a film which gives a heartening glimpse of how caste and gender can be overcome with determination and the right help. To find out more about the film, go to: I AM BELMAYA – Taking the Camera and Power into Her Hands.
The Californian Democratic Party adds ‘caste’ as a protected category
7th September 2021
The Californian Democratic Party has set a precedence on the issue of ‘caste’ by adding it as a protected category to their Party Code of Conduct. Despite heavy opposition from a number of Hindutva organisations in the US (including the Hindu American Forum), activists have succeeded in persuading the Party that caste-based discrimination is a genuine cause for concern and that action should be taken to ensure that victims have access to justice.
Caste hit the headlines in the US back in 2020, when the State of California took Cisco Inc. to court over the discrimination that one of its engineers had suffered in the workplace. It wasn’t long before a host of complaints from employees of other Big Tech companies in Silicon Valley was brought into the public domain, consequently shining a light on this hidden issue. Twenty-two campuses from the University of California decided to add ‘caste’ as a protected characteristic earlier this year, which seems to have propelled a political interest.
Amar Singh Shergill, a California Democratic Party Executive Board Member and Progressive Caucus Chair, announced: ‘With the addition of caste protections to our Party Code of Conduct, the Democratic party recognises that California must lead in the historical battle for caste equity and ensure we acknowledge the need for explicit legal protections for caste-oppressed Americans. We understand that protection from caste-discrimination may be accessed under pre-existing categories of ancestry, religion, and race, yet many caste-oppressed people do not report discrimination because this explicit legal protection is not yet widely recognised. Like previous struggles to add protections for gender identity and sexual orientation, we believe adding caste protects all Americans. We are ensuring the most vulnerable know we value their rights. We hope our additional will inspire other institutions to bring remedy to the issue of caste discrimination in the US, and urge all other state Democratic Parties to follow.’
Amnesty International USA, Equality Labs and the Indian American Muslim Council have all come out in support of this addition, along with a host of Ambedkarite organisations and human rights groups.
Undoubtedly, this is great news and indicates the first political recognition of casteism within the US. However, time will tell if this will be an effective launching pad for both ideological and legislative change. One would hope that New Jersey, also a Democrat-held State, will soon follow suit, considering its own problems after a recently built BAPS Hindu Temple was found to have employed Dalits as forced labour. Yet reacting to a problem on your own doorstep is never as efficient as preventing one. It would be a remarkable step forward if other political parties from all over the US would enact this type of change before it was actually needed. This would send a clear message that caste-based discrimination has no place in American culture, and that other countries should follow suit.