Monthly Archives: November 2024
Nepal’s Dalits in Transition
5th November 2024

DSN UK is proud to present the following Book with 368 pages published on 2nd April 2024. Join us in our vision to create a world without Caste Discrimination
About the Book
For too long Nepal’s Dalits have been marginalized, not just socially, economically, and politically, but from academic accounts of Nepalese society as well. This volume forms part of a welcome new trend, the emergence of Dalit Studies in Nepal, led by a new generation of Dalit scholars. It covers a wide range of issues concerning Nepal’s Dalits and offers a snapshot of the advances that they have made—in education, in politics, in the bureaucracy, economically, and in everyday relations. At the same time the book documents the continuing material disadvantage, inequality, discrimination, both direct and indirect, and consequent mental suffering that Dalits have to face. It also touches on the struggles, hopes, and dilemmas of Dalit activists as they seek to bring about a new social order and a relatively more egalitarian society. Nepal’s Dalits in Transition will be essential reading for anyone interested in the past, present, or future of social change in Nepal.
Editors: David N. Gellner is Professor of Social Anthropology and a Fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford; Krishna P. Adhikari PhD (University of Reading) is an expert on social change and development in Nepal and elsewhere, and a Research Affiliate of the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford.
Contributors: Krishna P. Adhikari * Tilak Biswakarma * Arjun Bahadur BK * Steve Folmar * David N. Gellner * Raksha Ram Harijan * Sambriddhi Kharel * Ram Prasad Mainali * Purna Nepali * Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka * Krishna Shrestha * Manoj Suji * Ramesh Sunam.
Published by a Kathmandu based publisher: Available via. Amazon: