18th April 2013
1000's of protesters assembled again on Tuesday 16 April in Parliament Square. [caption id="attachment_3337" align="alignnone" width="300"] Demonstrators in Parliament Square.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3338" align="alignnone" width="300"] Photographs : CasteWatchUK[/caption] They came from across the country and were of all faiths and creeds. Their purpose - to demand justice for Dalits and urge the Government to accept the amendment to outlaw caste discrimination. On 4th March 2013, the House of Lords had overwhelmingly approved an amendment to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill to outlaw Caste Discrimination in the UK in Section (9)(1) of the Equality Act 2010. On Tuesday, 16th April 2013, [..]
READ MORE8th April 2013
We call upon all those, who want to see our future generations liberated from this pernicious form of discrimination, to join us and add their voice to the debate in the House of Commons on Tuesday 16th April 2013 to : OUTLAW CASTE DISCRIMINATION WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY Public Rally - Unite for Dignity Public Rally on Tuesday 16th April - 12.00 to 15.00 hrs Parliament Square, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AA Unite against caste discrimination in UK Asian communities who have faced Caste based Discrimination for decades are now calling to make the practice unlawful in the UK. A Public Rally [..]
READ MORE18th March 2013
[caption id="attachment_3273" align="alignnone" width="150"] Parliament , London SW1[/caption] We have already heard that the government looks likely to turn down the amendment despite its overwhelming majority in the House of Lords. Below and attached is the letter and email you could send to your local MP to urge them to support the amendment in the ERR Bill and vote for its acceptance when the Bill reverts to the Commons. We need as many MPs as possible to vote on the day from across the House. We anticipate the Bill will return to the Commons after Easter and will need to be [..]
READ MORE11th March 2013
Dalit Solidarity Network UK are delighted to be partnering with Human Rights Watch to screen the acclaimed documentary on abuses against India’s Dalits, Jai Bhim Comrade, as part of the 2013 HRW London film festival 2013. The film will be followed by a Q & A session with the film’s maker, Anand Patwardhan. Showing at 6.15pm on Wednesday 20th March at the ICA Cinema in The Mall, London. For the trailer and tickets (£10/£8 concession) hit the link below : http://ff.hrw.org/film/jai-bhim-comrade. The film is in English, Hindi and Marathi with English subtitles.
READ MORE5th March 2013
Outlaw Caste Discrimination in the UK We want Justice Now! This was the rallying cry from the 100s of protesters that assembled outside Parliament Square on Monday 4 March to protest against the UK government’s decision NOT to legislate against caste discrimination – despite provisions enabling it to do so in the Equality Act 2010. Our government has continued to fail to provide the necessary legal redress and protection for victims of caste discrimination in the UK. In its long awaited response to the National Institute for Economic and Social Research report (published 2010), on Friday 1 March 2012 the government [..]