9th November 2017
A public consultation on Caste in Great Britain and equality law ended on 18 September 2017. Announced on 28 March 2017 with an initial deadline of 18 July it was extended due to campaigning by pro-legislation activists, including DSN-UK, due to the general election and resulting parliamentary purdah during this time. The Government Equalities Office had informed us before the deadline was closed, that they had received a significant number of submissions – many more than they would have expected for a consultation of this kind. We were also informed that the submissions will be analysed on a qualitative basis, [..]
READ MORE5th October 2017
It is with a heavy heart that I write this. The world is a sadder place with the passing of the great Rodney Bickerstaffe. To most people he was a giant of the trade unions movement, without whom there would be no Minimum Wage. Without him, workers' rights would not have been front and centre in this country. But to us all here at the Dalit Solidarity Network UK, he was - along with his old friends Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP, leader of the Labour Party and Revd David Haslam MBE - a founding member of a unique organisation in [..]
READ MORE4th October 2017
GENEVA: 21 September 2017 - the Human Rights Council adopted the outcomes of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United Kingdom. The review took place on 4 May 2017, when the UK received 227 recommendations. Member states raised concerns about the proposed Bill of Rights, remaining with the European Court post Brexit, indefinite detention of asylum seekers, human trafficking, gender equality, migrants’ rights, ethnic minorities, travellers and Roma community, abortion policies in Northern Ireland and a rise of hate crime post the Brexit vote in June last year. In reply to the received recommendations the UK government stated that [..]
READ MORE1st August 2017
The Caste in Great Britain and Equality Law consultation deadline has been extended until 18 September 2017. This was as a result of a specific request from DSN-UK and the consortium of organisations and leading academics that have come together to produce guidelines and FAQs – all to be found on our dedicated website www.casteintheuk.org. If you are yet to complete the consultation questionnaire please go to the above website and also for direct access to the consultation click here https://consult.education.gov.uk/government-equalities-office/caste-in-great-britain-and-equality-law-1/. This is a crucial time as we need to send the new Government a powerful message that caste discrimination in the [..]
READ MORE9th June 2017
Help us outlaw caste-based discrimination in the UK - complete the public Consultation on Caste in Great Britain and Equality Law before 18 July 2017! Several organisations and renowned academics have come together and created a website www.casteintheuk.org providing guidance on the questionnaire and the caste Consultation document, both of which contain complex legal terms and words. We do not want this to be a barrier to anyone wanting to respond to the survey. Caste-based discrimination does exist here in the UK, acknowledged by both Parliament and the Government. It should be outlawed as any other form of discrimination. The government [..]