7th March 2025
The DSN-UK stands in solidarity, support and deep appreciation with Warinder Singh Juss, MP of Wolverhampton West for highlighting the importance of liberation from Caste discrimination. As we share this BBC news below, we would like to highlight the fact that this issue has been spoken of as important and laws passed to abolish caste discrimination more than a decade ago, tells us three things: That the issue was considered urgent enough to introduce a law That caste discrimination persists in insidious ways, and it requires more than a law to abolish caste How many generations have to change before [..]
READ MORE10th December 2024
As the world celebrates the Human Rights Day today with the theme: Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now, the DSN UK echoes it from the bottom of its heart aspiring that its Vision – ‘A world without caste discrimination’ becomes a reality. We believe that Dalit Rights are Human Rights and Changing Attitudes Fostering Empowerment with Dignity – CAFÉ D. Unless Dalits experience the dignity of being total human beings, they are far from realising this year’s theme. We invite you to be part of CAFÉ – D. Join us as we strive to build such a world where all [..]
READ MORE5th November 2024
DSN UK is proud to present the following Book with 368 pages published on 2nd April 2024. Join us in our vision to create a world without Caste Discrimination About the Book For too long Nepal’s Dalits have been marginalized, not just socially, economically, and politically, but from academic accounts of Nepalese society as well. This volume forms part of a welcome new trend, the emergence of Dalit Studies in Nepal, led by a new generation of Dalit scholars. It covers a wide range of issues concerning Nepal’s Dalits and offers a snapshot of the advances that they have made—in [..]
READ MORE30th October 2024
The United Kingdom first celebrated the Black History Month on 1st October 1987, and it was recognised as the African Jubilee which coincided with the 150th anniversary of the Caribbean emancipation. This year’s theme, ‘Reclaiming Narratives’, is very powerful indeed as it emphasises the importance of story telling from the perspective, experience and memory of the Black People. Reclaiming narratives enables to unfold the past in truth and honesty for the benefit of the present to build a better future. Narrative plays a key role as it differs from Story telling by choosing how to tell a story. The Windrush [..]