Time to outlaw caste discrimination – MP

7th March 2025

The DSN-UK stands in solidarity, support and deep appreciation with Warinder Singh Juss, MP of Wolverhampton West for highlighting the importance of liberation from Caste discrimination.  As we share this BBC news below, we would like to highlight the fact that this issue has been spoken of as important and laws passed to abolish caste discrimination more than a decade ago, tells us three things:

  1. That the issue was considered urgent enough to introduce a law
  2. That caste discrimination persists in insidious ways, and it requires more than a law to abolish caste
  3. How many generations have to change before change is effected in society to dream of a caste free society? Caste discrimination is a human right violation. Human Dignity is affirmed as an unconditional universal human right – for all, regardless. Until everyone is liberated, no one is liberated.

The DSN-UK is happy and proud to join with the MP to amplify the call for justice

Dr Elizabeth Joy
Director DSN UK
7th March 2025

Equality Act must outlaw caste discrimination – Wolverhampton MP – BBC News